Serving a hot meal

The Open Door Café is open every Wednesday from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Janice and her team provide a hot meal for anyone who wishes to attend. Whether you are a senior who needs an opportunity to get out, a person in need of some community, or someone who is struggling to make ends meet, the Open Door Café is for you.

There is no cost to come, and you don’t need to pre-register. Our cheery volunteers look forward to serving you. It’s a great place to connect with others, whether you come to eat, serve, or both!

The menu for Wednesday, April 24, was tomato rice with Parmesan cheese soup, hambugers, macaroni salad and ice cream for dessert. 95 meals were served.

The Open Door Café

Pastor David, Councilor Garnet Thompson, Brenda Miller, Janice Seaboyer, Elizabeth Ellis, Joe Culp and Mayor Neil Ellis at our 25th Anniversary Celebration