Eastminster Men’s Club
Eastminster Men’s Club is an organization within the church which gives men in the congregation an opportunity to come together for fellowship, worship, and service. We meet on the second Tuesday of every month, except July and August. Our meetings consist of a breakfast, followed by a time of devotion, a guest speaker, and a short business meeting. There is a $5.00 fee to cover food costs. Please register with the church office if you plan to attend.
We usually support two fundraisers a year; Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner and a Strawberry Social. Our outreach includes: raising money for the Canadian Foodgrains Project, supporting children to go to Camp Quin-Mo-Lac, and participating in Meals-on-Wheels. We also assist in other church projects, as the need arises.
Want to come?
This Club is open to all men in the congregation and we welcome all who wish to join us at one of our meetings. Contact the church office for more information.